Thesis & Dissertations
Optimal scheduling of electric vehicle aggregator in electricity markets
Author(s): Dharampal S S
The main objective of this work is to introduce G2V scheduling in multiple electricity markets and to review important problems in the current G2V scheduling problem such as reduction of the EV owner cost, support the power grid, monetize and capture EVs’ value, generate revenues for EVA. The streams or stacks of value can be monetized by charging customers’ batteries when wholesale prices are low, or discharging them when the opposite is true; and by supporting local distribution networks at times when they are stressed.
Congestion management in hybrid electricity markets using different techniques
Author(s): Narain A
ATC- based (available transfer capability) CM (congestion management) has been used in this thesis to relieve the congestion of the system. To enhance the ATC value, the integration of a wind battery system has also been used. Technical challenges i.e., selection of critical zones, optimum location for WPG and BESS, ATC enhancement using proper charging/discharging of battery in a wind battery system, and CM have been considered.
An efficient wireless topology for electric vehicle battery charging
Author(s): Nama, J K
Recent studies on the topological framework of IWPT system declines required adapt ability and performance for regularly updating EV battery technology. Some of the identified regions include variations of the battery voltage, capacity, and management system for the light load (personal) to heavy load (passenger vehicle); adopted topology for on-board operation; topological limitations for control and gating scheme. These reasons have promoted academia and industry-wide efforts to acquire a flexible and adoptable IWPT technology for future EVs.

Investigations on soft switching Bi directional DC DC converters for electric vehicle applications
Author(s): Tomar, Pavan Singh
The study proposes many charging configurations have been proposed and described. The main thesis contributions include development of GDC for three proposed BDC structures to trigger the switch in an efficient way.

In this research work, a power management system is developed to effectively utilize power from both smaller size fixed batteries and larger size batteries to supply energy demanded by drivetrain of EVs.

Optimal Planning and Impact Analysis of Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations in Distribution Systems
Author(s): Shukla, Akanksha
This thesis attempts to address the major issues of load modelling, planning and impact analysis of Fast Charging Stations with renewable on the performance of distribution system.

Some Investigations on Integration of Electric Vehicles in Distribution System
Author(s): Singh, Jyotsna
The main objective of this thesis is to study in detail the impact of scheduling strategies including different vehicle to grid (V2G) services available from EVs. Furthermore, the coordination of scheduling strategies with existing operative tools in distribution system is also studied.

Intelligent Charging Management of Electric Vehicles for Smart City
Author(s): Gupta, Vishu
The study provides the results of scheduling under decentralized and centralized control in a multi-aggregator environment along with recommendations for applicability.

Experimentation and Investigation on Traction Motor Drive for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Author(s): Kumar A
In this study attempt is made to design an adaptive controller in order to take care of parametric variations. A fuzzy-based real-time control system for a permanent magnet brushless DC motor has been simulated. The proposed methodology is validated by the experimental implementation

Modeling Simulation and Optimization of Microgrids with Plug In Electric Vehicles and Responsive Load
Author(s): Jain A
In this thesis an effort has been made to find the optimal size and location of DG for an unbalanced system. In this work, cost minimization and emission minimization has been emphasized while satisfying the microgrid constraints.