Digital Library on Green Mobility


Optimal Planning and Impact Analysis of Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations in Distribution Systems

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): Shukla, Akanksha


In this thesis, a synergistic planning strategy is proposed which takes into account distribution system and transport network’s operational constraints and heterogeneous driving ranges based on the initial SOC of the EV while considering FCS load as exponential load model. Multiobjective synergistic planning model attempts to reduce the negative impact of FCS on the performance of distribution system, improve utilization of FCS and provide better service quality to the EV owners considering range anxiety issue. Multi-Objective Grey Wolf Optimizer (MOGWO) algorithm is used to obtain the non-dominated solutions and fuzzy satisfaction-based decision making method is employed to reach final planning scheme. The effectiveness of the proposed model is investigated on the IEEE 123-bus distribution system coupled with 25-node transportation network. The influence of different objectives, service radius and waiting time on the planning of FCS is studied to verify the effectiveness of the proposed planning model. The study shows that the proposed planning model is able to provide rational siting and sizing of FCS. This method also suggest the way to select proper service radius and waiting time.

Country: India

Rights: Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur


Theme: Charging Infrastructure | Subtheme: Battery Swapping stations

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