Digital Library on Green Mobility


Bharat Stage VI emission standards: Mission NOT impossible


Author(s): Shao Z

The Bharat Stage (BS) VI emission standards announced in September 2016 with an ambitious deadline of April 1, 2020. India turned the challenge into an opportunity and completed its mission of producing BS VI-compliant fuel and vehicles on time, Coronavirus notwithstanding. All in all, this blogpost by ICCT explains how a seemingly impossible mission (fewer than five years ago) has been accomplished.


This blogpost by the ICCT highlights the study published in its working paper "Strategies for deploying zero-emission bus fleets: Development of real-world drive cycles to simulate zero-emission technologies along existing bus routes" in which a new methodology has been developed to identify representative drive cycles based on real-world bus performance data in Bangalore.


To counter the ill effects of fossil fuels, electric mobility is being seriously considered as an alternative to fuel the mobility needs of rapid urbanisation. India has pledged to reduce carbon intensity by 33-35% by 2030. According to statistics, more than 80% of the total vehicles in India comprise of 2Ws, unlike 4Ws in western countries.  This blog post by Blue circle staff highlights the refuelling issues of EVs and the advantages of battery swapping technologies.

Prospective EV buyers worry over costs


Author(s): Basu A

The upfront cost of electric vehicles (EV)s, battery replacement and the distance a vehicle can run on a single charge are the top concerns for people planning to buy EVs, according to a survey by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). This post by The Telegraph India highlights TERI's survey on consumer perception and how it affects the buying decision of a prospective buyer. The survey also found that the ability of EVs to cover a limited distance in comparison to internal combustion engines had an impact on perception and highlighted an important concern. 

Electricity Pricing and Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicles in India


Author(s): Ranjan A, Shah N

The World Resources Institute (WRI) organised a webinar on Electricity Pricing and Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicles in India on March 3, 2020, as a part of the project, "Electric mobility Forum" launched by the vice president of India in 2019. Shakti Foundation is the funding partner of WRI for this project. 


The World Resources Institute (WRI) organised a webinar on Disruptive potential of fuel cell technology in the transportation sector in India on March 27, 2020, as a part of the project, "Electric mobility Forum" launched by the vice president of India in 2019. Shakti Foundation is the funding partner of WRI for this project.  The speaker Prof. Prakash Chandra Ghosh, Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay shared his views on the disruptive potential of fuel cell technology in the Indian Trasportation sector. 

EV Connect: Interview with Chetan Maini


Author(s): Maini C

The International Energy Agency (IEA) wrote in their Global Energy Review for 2020 that post COVID-19 "the rebound in emissions may be larger than the decline unless the economy is restarted with cleaner infrastructure". In this Interview, Mr Chetan Maini shares his thoughts on what policymakers could do to additionally support the demand and supply side of electric mobility domain in India now?

Circular Economy Strategy for Batteries in India


Author(s): Bais RS

The World Resources Institute (WRI) organised a webinar on Circular Economy Strategy for Batteries in India: Social, Technical, Environmental and Economic Aspects on January 20, 2020, as a part of the project, "Electric mobility Forum" launched by the vice president of India in 2019. The speaker Mr Rohan Singh Bais, Director, Ziptrax Cleantech Pvt Ltd, shared his views on the Status of recycling batteries for electric vehicles in India from Social, Technical, Environmental and Economic perspective.


The World Resources Institute (WRI) organised a webinar on Lithium ion Battery Hazards and Design Challenges for the Electric Vehicle Sector on June 10, 2020, as a part of the project, "Electric mobility Forum" launched by the vice president of India in 2019. The speaker Dr. Judy Jeevaranjan, Research Director- Battery Safety, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. talked about the Li-ion cell chemistry, Li-ion hazard causes and challenges and Charging infrastructure challenges. 


The World Resources Institute (WRI) organised a webinar on Technology, Financing and Commercialization Aspects: Lessons from Indian EV Startup on July 8, 2020, as a part...