Knowledge Hub
E-Mobility Infrastructure in the Górnośląsko – Zagłębiowska Metropolis, Poland, and Potential for Development
Author(s): Macioszek E
Electromobility is a set of activities related to the use of electric vehicles, as well as technical and operational EV solutions, technologies and charging infrastructure, social, economic and legal issues pertaining to the designing, manufacturing, purchasing and using electric vehicles.
This contributed volume offers insights from industry professionals, policy makers and researchers on new and profitable business models in the field of electric vehicles (EV) for the mass market.

Enhanced 'BDABDC-DC' System for Vehicle to Grid Technology
Author(s): Janaki N, Krishna Kumar R
There is a wide range of functionalities, if EVs (electric vehicles) are connected to electric grid. EV is capable of both battery recharging and providing back energy to the grid.
Electric Vehicles Technology Brief
Author(s): Fulton L M, Seleem A, Boshell F, Salgado A, Saygin D
A brief introduction outlining technological and policy advances needed for EVs helping the transition of mobility world to a sustainable global energy future. This brief outlines the technological and policy advances still needed for EVs to help drive the transition to a sustainable global energy future.
A Research on Market Status and Purchasing Decision Influencing Parameters for Electric Vehicles: Indian Context
Author(s): Bhosale AP, Gholap A, Mastud SA, Bhosale DG
This paper focuses on the potential barriers and possible remedies which researchers and manufacturers must cogitate about. In order to predict the complete penetration of E-vehicles in India and check its feasibility, a market survey along with public opinion is carried out in this paper.

Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for VANETs with Real Vehicular Traces
Author(s): Das S, Raw RS, Das I, Sarkar R
In this study, the authors have evaluated the performance vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) with real vehicular traces. The vehicular movements are generated with IDM_IM mobility model. This mobility model used to emulate the movement pattern of nodes, i.e., vehicles on streets defined by maps.
This book mainly talks about the success story of the StreetScooter, the electric utility vehicle of the Deutsche Post. At the same time, it derives a new management philosophy for the development of innovations, through a radically more efficient re-conception of the development process.
Transport, Climate Action, and Sustainable Development in Islamic Development Bank Member Countries
Author(s): SLOCAT Partnership and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
This infographic summarises the major findings of the two reports “Low-Carbon Transport for Development” and “Transport, Climate Action and Sustainable Development“. It shows the identified policy recommendations and actions valuable for member countries of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB).
Hybrid Electric Vehicles, second edition is a comprehensively updated new edition covering recent advances in hybrid vehicle technology. New areas covered are battery modelling, charger design, and wireless charging, architecture of hybrid excavators.
This infographic was produced by Edna Odhiambo, a participant of the Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport in 2019. Active mobility accounts for almost half of all daily trips in Nairobi making it the most commonly used means not to mention a low-carbon option that should be encouraged.