Digital Library on Green Mobility


Transport, Climate Action, and Sustainable Development in Islamic Development Bank Member Countries

Publication Year: 2020

Author(s): SLOCAT Partnership and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)


This infographic summarises the major findings of the two reports “Low-Carbon Transport for Development” and “Transport, Climate Action and Sustainable Development“. It shows the identified policy recommendations and actions valuable for member countries of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). The IsDB supports projects in 57 member countries spanning Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Sustainable transport is crucial to achieving IsDB’s development mandate and vision for transformative and inclusive social and economic development in its member countries. IsDB sees the sustainable provision of economic and social infrastructure as one of five pillars in its ten-year strategic plan. It has developed a transport sector policy and a climate change policy to guide investments in these areas.

Country: South Africa

Publisher/Organisation: SLOCAT Partnership and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)

Rights: SLOCAT Partnership and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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