Digital Library on Green Mobility


Phasing-out sales of internal combustion engine vehicles


Author(s): Milieu Consulting SPRL

The objective of this study is to provide a first assessment of the legal scope for EU or national measures to phase-out ICE vehicles and to identify issues where legal uncertainty remains and further investigation is needed. At national level, it examines whether it is possible for Member States to derogate from the harmonised framework for motor vehicle approval in order to adopt ICE sales or registration bans under the exception provided by Article 114(5) TFEU.

World energy perspectives on e-mobility: closing the emissions gap


Author(s): World Energy Council

This report examines to what extent electric vehicles (EV) − battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) − are the latest technologies to increase average fuel efficiency in the bid to close the emissions gap and meet stringent fuel economy standards. This new frontier represents a significant opportunity for the energy sector.


This report shows that well designed, coherent policy packages can deliver such synergies if properly implemented. In order to demonstrate co-benefit potential, it provides quantitative analysis that presents the ways in which flagship energy policies can contribute to both air pollution reduction and climate change mitigation in tandem.

Cooling on the move: the future of air conditioning in vehicles


Author(s): International Energy Agency

This report explores the current global energy consumption from mobile air conditioning systems, along with the resulting greenhouse gas emissions from the energy consumption and the leaking refrigerants. With no further policy action, energy use from mobile air conditioning may almost triple to over 5.7 million barrels of oil equivalent per day by 2050. At the same time, annual combined emissions from energy consumption and refrigerant leakage could more than triple to 1 300 million tons of CO2 equivalent.


This report examines the situation of the European electric bus market from different angles: the situation of the market, the economics of electric buses, the role of European manufacturers, and other benefits and challenges emerging from the transition to an electric bus system. The timing is now right for cities to shift to electrified transport and this report is also intended to take procurement authorities and other key. stakeholders through some of the main issues.

Can electric cars beat the COVID crunch?


Author(s): Transport & Environment

With societies months-long in confinements and factories shut, the COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted economies across Europe and beyond. 2020 was touted as the year of the electric car in Europe and early 2020 showed record plug-in sales. But has the COVID-19 crisis killed off the electric car momentum that was finally gaining pace in response to EU emissions regulations?


The new European framework and public funding mechanisms for infrastructure should prioritise exclusively zero emission technologies. Using a key EU legislation (covering alternative fuel infrastructure)to promote infrastructure for fossil fuels such as CNG and LNG would not respect the Paris Agreement or the European Green Deal. The revised infrastructure framework planned for 2021 should take electric trucks seriously, include them in the scope of the law, and set appropriate binding targets. It should also propose a realistic and cost-effective strategy to allow hydrogen and dynamically-charged trucks to develop.


This report attempts to bring together some best- case examples from across the world, as well as from Indian states. It is hoped that this will serve as an aid for reflection, helping policy-makers and key stakeholders in their challenging task of delineating the way forward in a time of rapid and disruptive change.

Green growth to achieve the Paris Agreement


Author(s): Rijsberman F, Anastasia O, Baruah P, Grafakos S, Kang J, Senshaw D

This report focuses on the challenges and opportunities faced by developing countries that are related to the Paris Agreement, both emerging as well as the least developed and most vulnerable countries. It is based primarily on the emerging evidence and experience gained on the ground in GGGI’s 30 member countries in recent years, complemented by the published results of leading organizations in each of the areas reviewed.

Towards a national active mobility strategy and an indicator system for active-mobility friendly cities in China


Author(s): Lei L (China Academy of Transportation Science), Qian G (Sino Carbon)

This report examines the local conditions in Chinese cities and draws on international experiences to put forward a strategy for the advancement of Active Mobility Friendly Cities in China.