Digital Library on Green Mobility


Green growth to achieve the Paris Agreement

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): Rijsberman F, Anastasia O, Baruah P, Grafakos S, Kang J, Senshaw D


The Global Green Growth Institute’s G20 Background Paper: Green Growth to achieve the Paris Agreement outlines the necessity of an accelerated transition to a green and circular economy that will eradicate poverty, provide decent jobs, and hit climate action targets. The report includes GGGI’s top public policy, public finance, and private investment recommendations to scale up and accelerate green growth in developing countries. The transition to a green growth pathway needs to be accelerated to achieve the Paris Agreement. G20 countries can play a key role in building capacity in developing countries, meeting commitments concerning climate finance, and enabling the engagement of the private sectors of G20 countries in project development and investments in the developing world.

Publisher/Organisation: Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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