Digital Library on Green Mobility


Intended Nationally-Determined Contributions (INDCs) Offer Opportunities for Ambitious Action on Transport and Climate Change

Publication Year: 2015

Author(s): Gota S, Huizenga C, Peet K, Kaar G


Intended Nationally-Determined Contributions (INDCs) represent a unique opportunity to increase bold mitigation and adaptation measures in transport and other sectors. The major findings of the report revealed that among 133 INDCs representing 160 countries, 77% explicitly identify the transport sector as a mitigation source, and more than 61% of INDCs propose transport sector specific mitigation measures. Further, transport related actions in the INDCs are heavily skewed towards passenger transport, which is included in 89% of INDCs identifying specific transport modes. On an economy-wide scale, mitigation measures proposed in INDCs based on existing policies and levels of ambition, it is also unlikely that the transport sector will attain a 2DS by 2030 through the targets and measures proposed. The report recommended that quantifying investment requirements for proposed low-carbon transport measures in INDC implementation plans is a key step towards generating needed funding. Strategies to generate additional funding could be complemented by elimination of fossil fuel subsidies, which could in turn be invested in sustainable transport measures.   This analysis calls for intense low carbon transport strategies well beyond those included in INDCs in order to achieve a 2DS.

Publisher/Organisation: SLOCAT Partnership

Rights: SLOCAT Partnership


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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