Digital Library on Green Mobility


A handbook of select Indian and Global best practices on mobility

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): NITI Aayog


The increasing adoption of big data and AI will also radically improve key aspects of mobility, ranging from asset-utilization to the movement of goods and logistics, as well as integrated commuter-centric urban transit networks. The efficiency of global supply chains is set to radically improve with the adoption of these new technologies. In sum, across the world there is an urgent need to reimagine and restructure the approaches, policies, regulations, systems and instruments pertaining to mobility. Ensuring sustainable and efficient mobility of people and goods, particularly in an increasingly urbanizing scenario, is one of India’s key challenges. In the context of this need, this compilation attempts to bring together some best- case examples from across the world, as well as from Indian states. It is hoped that this will serve as an aid for reflection, helping policy-makers and key stakeholders in their challenging task of delineating the way forward in a time of rapid and disruptive change.

Publisher/Organisation: NITI Aayog


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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