Digital Library on Green Mobility


Electric buses arrive on time: marketplace, economic, technology, environmental and policy perspectives for fully electric buses in the EU

Publication Year: 2018

Author(s): Transport & Environment


Urban buses are the first transport mode where electrification is having a significant impact today. This trend is driven primarily by the rising awareness of toxic air pollution in our cities from internal combustion engines and supported by the compelling economic, comfort, and noise advantages. It is expected that urban buses will be the first transport mode to reach zero emission thanks to electrification. The impressive deployment of electric buses in China has been the center of much attention, but what is the situation in Europe? Are electric buses ready for mass deployment or will the Old Continent by lagging behind? This study examines the trend, the economics and challenges to conclude that electric bus market is on the verge of a tipping point in Europe.

Publisher/Organisation: Transport & Environment


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Public

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