Digital Library on Green Mobility


Developing a roadmap for the adoption of clean fuel and vehicle standards in Southern and Western Africa

Publication Year: 2017

Author(s): Naré H, Kamakaté F


Road transportation is one of the leading sources of outdoor air pollution in Southern and Western Africa, particularly in cities, where emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles, minibuses, buses, and two-and three-wheelers continue to negatively affect public health, making motor vehicles a central area for rapid policy response.

This study focuses on efforts in Southern and Western Africa by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles and Engines Initiative to reduce vehicles’ contribution to outdoor air pollution, and the health and climate impacts of vehicles’ emissions. The goal of this report is to provide a roadmap to support the implementation of comprehensive clean fuel and vehicle policies in Southern and Western Africa

Publisher/Organisation: International Council on Clean Transportation


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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