Digital Library on Green Mobility


Toward greener supply chains: A critical assessment of a multimodal, multinational freight supply chain of a Fortune 50 retailer

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): Façanha C, Hernandez U, Mao X, Pineda L


This is one of the first studies to incorporate technology research, operational best practices, and emissions accounting methodologies in an in-depth assessment of a real-world supply chain. It highlights how analyzing real-world data need not compromise business confidentiality.

Using data from The Home Depot (THD) and the EPA’s SmartWay program, the authors assessed a trade route from China to the United States. They constructed three scenarios: (1) the Conventional scenario models business as usual and excludes green strategies already adopted by THD; (2) the impacts of THD’s existing green strategies are represented in the Green scenario, which also serves as an industry benchmark; and (3) the Green Plus scenario builds upon the Green and is a future, hypothetical supply chain with additional improvements evaluated in the short, medium, and long term.

Publisher/Organisation: International Council on Clean Transportation


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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