Digital Library on Green Mobility


Accelerating urban inclusion for a just recovery

Publication Year: 2022

Author(s): World Economic Forum


The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to and at times worsened stark inequalities in cities around the world. Cities’ resilience to both acute crises such as COVID-19 and long-term challenges including climate change depends in great part on their ability to encourage urban inclusion, for example, in terms of access to housing, mobility, public services and economic opportunity. Different groups including women, low income residents, ethnic and religious minorities, disabled people, migrants, refugees and others face distinct barriers to urban inclusion. Cities must understand and respond to the unique vulnerabilities including intersecting vulnerabilities faced by all urban dwellers. Cities everywhere, including in low-income and conflict-affected countries, have developed innovative approaches to achieving greater inclusion, spurred on in part by the pandemic. Such initiatives may take varied forms and may emerge from government bodies, the private sector or civic organizations, but all successful initiatives actively involve the communities they serve. Thinking through the various dimensions of urban inclusion can help cities devise approaches relevant to their context. To ensure urban inclusion, cities must have sound, sustainable municipal finance systems in place. This requires making intergovernmental fiscal transfers more transparent and predictable, and strengthening local revenue collection, including through land value capture, taxation and service fees, as locally appropriate. This report makes the urgent case for greater urban inclusion, and aims to provide guidance and inspiration for cities on how to achieve it.

Publisher/Organisation: World Economic Forum


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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