Recommendations to Enable Renewable Energy Based EV Charging in India
Publication Year: 2024
Author(s): Mandal A, Dikshit C, Parihar A, Mohapatra P, Tripathy A, Mudgal S, Bayya A
Identifying the levers for decarbonizing EV charging, GIZ has deployed a study “Power market Reforms to enable Renewable Energy (RE) based Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging in India” to understand the challenges and opportunities existing in the policy, regulatory, and technological landscape of in India of EV charging to complement RE power generation and efficient grid management. Keeping this in view, three cities viz. Bengaluru, Kolkata and Panaji, were identified to assess their present situation and preparedness with respect to renewable based EV charging. Each of the identified cities provide a view of regions which vary on the RE and EV spectrums.
The city of Bengaluru has substantial number of EVs and the state of Karnataka has significant RE resources with BESCOM being actively involved in deployment of charging stations and aims to install a large number of charging stations. Kolkata has high untapped RE potential and West Bengal’s regulations on open access provide a favorable atmosphere for adoption of RE sources. Moreover, the city has witnessed a rapid growth in EV and EV charging infrastructure deployment recently. Goa leads the country in terms of number of vehicles per capita. Although the state has less RE sources developed within the state, the state has witnessed a rapid increase in sale of EVs in the last few years.
This report sets the context of RE based EV charging, its need in India, concerned stakeholders, modes of RE procurement and locations for RE based EV charging in different business. It captures all the gaps identified in the Indian RE and EV ecosystem (at the city and central levels). It covers the best practices in some of the nations such as USA, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, France, Austria, Japan, and China to enable RE based EV charging. The major focus of this report is the recommendations which are panned out across short-, medium, and long-term for specific stakeholder groups.
Series Edition: .
Country: India
Publisher/Organisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Theme: Charging Infrastructure | Subtheme: Battery Swapping stations
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