
As part of the Int-E-Grid project, Forum Energii together with Agora Verkehrswende and the Electric Vehicles Promotion Foundation (FPPE), organized a second high-level forum of the Polish-German Platform on E-mobility.

Online event with Vanchhit Johri (German Chancellor Fellow), Amit Bhatt (ICCT) and Christian Hochfeld (Agora Verkehrswende)

Maritime Climate Mitigation Options - Technologies and Fuels
Author(s): Agora Verkehrswende
Part two of the webinar series "PtX Lab Talk+ Technologies, policies and fuels for fossil-free maritime transport"

The Global Automaker Rating 2022: Who is Leading the Transition to Electric Vehicles?
Author(s): International Council on Clean Transportation
The ratings shows: 1. BYD – the only legacy automaker to go all-electric– is catching up quickly to Tesla, the ratings leader. 2. BMW & VW are showing they’re serious about the EV transition. 3. Of the 6 laggards, 5 are Japanese OEMs.

Battery Electric HDVs in Real-World Daily Operations
Author(s): International Council on Clean Transportation
This video by ICCT on its Chart of the Week Video highlights the real-world operations of heavy-duty electric vehicles in China.

Why Develop the Next-Generation China HDV Emission Standard?
Author(s): International Council on Clean Transportation
ICCT's video“1Min4CleanTransport” explores why it’s important to start developing a China VII pollutant emission standard.

Real-World Performance of EVs in China: Energy Consumption, Range, and Charging Patterns
Author(s): International Council on Clean Transportation
This webinar provided an overview of the real-world performance, including energy consumption, range, and charging pattern of battery electric passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles in China based on a large set of real-world data. It also highlighted opportunities for policymakers to narrow this gap and boost consumer confidence.

Unlocking Fuel Efficiency Potential in India's Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Author(s): International Council on Clean Transportation
This webinar deliberated on the potential benefits and costs of fuel consumption reduction technologies and provide evidence of technical and economic feasibility to support a future, more stringent fuel consumption standard for HDVs in India.
Webinar: Perspectives on Battery Reuse and Recycling for India
Author(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP
The webinar aimed to disseminate the cutting-edge insights from a recent study “Battery Ecosystem: A Global Overview, Gap Analysis in Indian context, and Way Forward for Ecosystem Development”.

South Africa plans to roll out its first locally produced Electric Vehicle in 2026. But the country must first address its current electricity crisis.