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This thesis models the charging of electric vehicles using a Markov Decision Process and uses Reinforcement Learning solution models to derive an intelligent charging algorithm. This algorithm can take concepts such as electricity price, battery degradation and electrical losses into account in order to minimise the overall operational costs, and add more value to the use of electric vehicles.

Life-Cycle Assessment of Passenger Transport: An Indian Case Study
Author(s): International Transport Forum, World Bank
This report presents a decision-making approach based on life-cycle assessment (LCA), which considers not only the carbon emissions from a vehicle’s use, but also from its manufacturing, delivery and infrastructure needs.
Decarbonizing China’s Road Transport Sector: Strategies Toward Carbon Neutrality
Author(s): Xue L, Liu D
China’s road transport sector plays an important role in meeting carbon early peaking and carbon neutrality goals. This study examines how the sector might be decarbonized by modelling five scenarios using the LEAP model. It aims to inform China road transport sector’s emission reduction target, identification of cost-effective measures that deliver on the sectoral emission reduction targets, facilitation of low-carbon investments and identification of decarbonization measures with air pollution reduction co-benefits.
Pathways to Decarbonize the Road Transport Sector in Guangdong, China
Author(s): Miao L, Liu Y, Zeng X, Ren H, Huang Z, Xue L
The results from scenarios analysis for the four regions show that decarbonizing Guangdong’s road transport sector requires synergies between different levels of governments, including Guangdong provincial governments, Guangzhou and Shenzhen municipal government, as well as other municipal governments in Guangdong. The report highlights necessary measures that each group of governments have to take to decarbonize the province’s transport sector.
The ITF Transport Outlook 2023 examines the impacts of different policy measures on global transport demand and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to 2050. The analysis covers the movement of passengers and freight across all transport modes.
Moving Forward Together - Gender-Integrative Approaches for Decarbonising Mobility in Asia
Author(s): Abraham A N, Kratofil J
The study includes gender-sensitive, -responsive and -transformative approaches, concluding that differentiated, interdisciplinary and gender-transformative projects tend to show the best results. The paper ends with several recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders active in the sector.
Climate Goals and Recommendations for Action in China’s Transport Sector
Author(s): Xiaoyi L, Xiaoyu T, Yuanyuan S, Honglei X, Quansheng H, Rui W, Renjie W, Yun X
This research publication systematically analyzes the status quo of China’s transport development in terms of transport volume, equipment and infrastructure development, and then assesses the status quo of transport-related carbon emissions based on energy consumption.
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Foshan Pilot Project
Author(s): Jiangyan Wang J, Jiang Y, Wang H, Chen S, Liu Y, Kang X, Yin J, Zhang W, Xie Y, Li X, Zhang Q
This report follows the development of the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project according to the SUMP process. For the purpose of the pilot project, the SUMP process was conducted up to Step 9, i.e. from analysis, scenario-building, and visioning, to producing strategic measures at city-level, as well as creating specific measures for implementation at showcase area-level.
Establish and Implement an Evaluation System for Multimodal Freight Transport Hub Management in China
Author(s): Wang W, Li Y, Liu X, Wei Y, Liu Y, He J, Luo G, Gan J, Dai Q, Nestler S, Nobel T
This project, conducted in cooperation with the Transport Planning and Research Institute (TPRI) of the MoT, provides such an MFTH evaluation system. Adjusted to local conditions and China’s strategic development requirements, it puts particular emphasis on environmental and climate indicators. The project report also documents its four pilot applications and gives further policy recommendations for relevant stakeholders.
Research on Technical Systems of Battery Electric Buses in China
Author(s): Li C, Wu Z, Li X, Mu K
The report aims to enhance the application of new energy buses and to share China’s experiences with other countries. It analyses the status quo of new energy buses and the development of battery electric buses in China in terms of the policy for NEV promotion, BEB promotion and application, as well as stakeholders.