Digital Library on Green Mobility


Leveraging Carbon Markets for Cost-Efficient Emissions Reductions in India: Practical Recommendations for the Design and Implementation of an Effective Carbon Market

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Hingne A, Agarwal V, Gupta S, Nath M, Kulkarni T


India is developing a national carbon market to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. An ambitious and well-designed carbon market can encourage cost-efficient, low-carbon transformation of the Indian industry, while unlocking financing and technology transfer opportunities for micro, small, and medium enterprises. A carbon market, however, is complex to implement and can involve significant transaction costs. Poor design can also lead to inequity, inefficiency, loss of competitiveness, carbon leakage, and a lack of compliance. This report provides design and implementation recommendations for an effective carbon market in India. These findings draw from international carbon markets and India’s experience with market-based mechanisms, brought together with practical insights and industry feedback from a carbon market simulation. 

Country: India

Publisher/Organisation: World Resources Institute


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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