Digital Library on Green Mobility


Electric surge: carmakers' electric car plans across Europe 2019-2025

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): Transport & Environment


Electric cars are about to go mainstream in Europe, and 2020/2021 is likely to be a tipping point for the market. Until recently, the EV market was limited to a niche of early adopters but tomorrow’s landscape will be very different as EVs enter a new phase and near the mass market. This report shows where the future electric cars and batteries will be produced in Europe, and analyses the expected production trends, and whether or not these are enough to meet the EU demand up until 2025. The current production forecasts show that most carmakers are ready to embrace electrification and are leaving behind the ‘technology neutrality’ approach, focusing on scaling up electric car volumes instead. After several years of timid growth, the number of EV models produced across the EU (and available on the market as a result) is about to surge to new heights: from about 60 battery electric (BEV), plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and fuel cell (FCEV) models available at the end of 2018, up to a combined of 176 models in 2020, 214 models in 2021 and 333 models expected in 2025. This is no coincidence since 2020/21 is the year when the mandatory EU CO2 target of 95g/km is kicking in

Publisher/Organisation: European Federation for Transport and Environment AISBL


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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