Digital Library on Green Mobility


Assessing the Business Case for Hosting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in New York State

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): Atlas Public Policy


As the electric vehicle (EV) market grows, so does the demand for public charging stations. Public charging infrastructure expansion is limited by high upfront costs of equipment and installation, uncertain usage of charging services, and consumers’ willingness to pay for public charging. To date, public funding has been an important component of cost recovery and value maximization for station hosts. This white paper evaluates the business case of hosting a Level 2 charging station in New York State. The analysis uses the charging-use data provided by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) along with real-world data on equipment use, costs, revenue, and assumptions derived from industry reports and original research. In addition, the report explores scenarios that vary charging-use and revenue sources to better understand the key factors that drive profitability from hosting these stations.

Source of Publication: Atlas Public Policy, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

Vol/Issue: Atlas Public Policy, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

Country: United States of America

Publisher/Organisation: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority


Theme: Charging Infrastructure | Subtheme: Public charging station

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