Digital Library on Green Mobility


European vehicle market statistics, 2017/2018

Publication Year: 2017

Author(s): Mock P


Key highlights of the 2017/2018 edition reports are New car registrations increased to 14.6 million, which is nearly the same level as in the years 2001–2007. At their low point in 2011, new cars sales totaled only 13.1 million. Official average new-car CO2 emissions fell to 118 g/km in 2016. In fuel consumption terms, that equates to about 5 liters/100km. Sales of new diesel cars have declined significantly. In 2011–2012, about 55% of newly registered cars in the EU were powered by diesel fuel. In 2016 the overall diesel market share was 49%, though diesel shares vary by member state. The EU market share of hybrid-electric vehicles rose slightly to 1.8% of all new car sales in 2016. Considerable variation exists among member states, however; for example, in Spain, hybrid market share increased from 1.8% in 2015 to 2.7% in 2016. Plug-in hybrid and battery-electric vehicle sales remained steady at about 1% of vehicle registrations. The Netherlands remains the leading member state for electric vehicle sales, at about 6%, that fell significantly in 2016 when tax incentives were cut. Average mass of new cars increased again, to 1,392 kg, about 10% higher than 15 years before. Average engine power increased to 95 kW in 2016, nearly 30% more than 15 years before. At the same time, the average engine displacement has continued to decrease, and now is about 7% smaller than in 2001.

Publisher/Organisation: International Council on Clean Transportation


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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