Coordinated Strategies for Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): Rana R
Commutation topology worldwide is transitioning to all-electric systems. Electrification of all forms of transportation increases the load on the transforming power grid and can potentially negatively impact the grid. However, the sustainable integration of Electric Vehicles (EVs) into the grid could alleviate these potential problems and make EVs a vital resource for providing grid services. There is a need for an outline infrastructure and operating protocols that can integrate these highly volatile loads with existing power grids and facilitate a seamless experience. Furthermore, there are numerous infrastructure needs and operational strategies to analyze with the electric utilities, stakeholders, officials, and engineers to ensure a synchronous operation between all the participating units. This Thesis aims to develop a holistic approach for EVs charging schedules by utilizing a web application to provide insights into upcoming demand and supply needs. This work is extended to incorporate any uncertainties in EVs pre-planned schedules using a multi-level optimization strategy. The optimization strategies are further validated in the internet of things infrastructure to corroborate its effectiveness
Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact
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