Design and Implementation of Multi Array Fractal Antenna for 5G Vehicle to Vehicle Communication
Publication Year: 2022
Author(s): Abdul R
The research is carried out focusing mainly on high bandwidth and for providing multiple options for automobile industry for using in vehicular communication applications. In the process with the help of literature survey, fractal geometry is one of the prominent techniques which have direct impact on bandwidth and the narrow band can be translated to broad band and multi band antenna. To provide good reflection coefficient, literature survey shown the path of using defected ground structure and various feeds which provides better performance of antenna for desired applications. Main purpose of this thesis is to present and propose Microstrip patch antennas which are compact in size, yet provides better bandwidth, better reflection coefficient and better gain. The proposed antennas are based on purely non deterministic fractal geometry to enhance the parameters and to experiment on the defected ground structures. Rectangular and circular fractal shapes are used for the proposed antennas with random defected ground structure. The proposed antennas are designed and simulated using Ansys HFSS v15 software tool, and later with the help of computer numeric control (CNC) are fabricated.
Rights: Lovely Professional University
Theme: Research and Development | Subtheme: Soft research/Academic Research
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