Digital Library on Green Mobility


Global Opportunities for Small/Medium Enterprises in Emobility (GO4SEM)

Publication Year: 2015

Author(s): Bierau F, Alonso A, Reeves C, Deix S, Muller B, Coosemans T, Meyer G, van Mierlo J


In recent years Europe has successfully extended its competencies in key enabling technologies for electric mobility, particularly in the field of field of information and communication technologies, components and systems. Potential entry points for European SMEs in the international supply chains are identified in view of trends on the leading and emerging electric mobility markets providing trade and cooperation opportunities for European experts. Moreover, the composition and performance of supply chains as well as mutual dependencies of the players involved in relevant global markets, e.g. USA, Japan, South Korea, China and India are investigated. "Global Opportunities for Small and Medium Size Companies in Electric Mobility" (GO4SEM), coordinated by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA), is aimed at giving policy advice to sustain and enhance the successful access of European SME's in supply chains in the abovementioned global markets. For this purpose the GO4SEM consortium intends to spread awareness of international market developments and technological trends in the electric mobility context, triggering an engagement of European SMEs in global FEV value chains by indicating potential and to show opportunities for bringing in expert knowledge. Furthermore, recommendations on standardization, education, and research matters are formulated. In a broader sense, the project will support to strengthen the global competitiveness of the European industry being active in the domain of electric mobility by linking the relevant stakeholders, preparing them for and increasing the awareness of the opportunities and challenges of worldwide developments. 

Source of Publication: World Electric Vehicle Journal

Vol/Issue: 7(4):733-741p.

DOI No.: DOI: 10.3390/wevj7040733

Publisher/Organisation: AVERE

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution License (


Theme: Research and Development | Subtheme: Soft research/Academic Research

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