Electric Vehicle Deployment Fundamentals for Southeast Asia: Module 3, Unit 1 — Electric Vehicles and Tariff Design
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
In June 2021, The Advanced Energy Partnership for Asia, a regional program between NREL and USAID's Regional Development Mission for Asia, delivered a 6-week virtual training on the fundamentals of electric vehicle deployment to transport and energy practitioners in South East Asia. Designed specifically for Southeast Asian contexts, the trainings directly impact EV planning and policy development within energy and transport organizations across the region. This lecture is one unit in a series presented in a 2021 virtual course, hosted by the USAID and NREL Advanced Energy Partnership for Asia, on electric vehicle deployment fundamentals for Southeast Asia. This lecture covers basic vehicle data types, parameters, and methodologies; the importance of basic travel data and other household data needs to get a bigger picture; and how to coordinate data acquisition across transport and energy. This lecture is presented by Mr David Hurlbut of NREL.
Publisher/Organisation: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact
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