Digital Library on Green Mobility


Patterns, No Patterns, that is the Question: Quantifying Users’ Electric Vehicle Charging

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Khaleghikarahrodi M, Macht G A


This paper explores a state-wide network of 68 public charging stations' data representing 58,273 charging events to determine users' charging patterns. The methodological approach applied k-means clustering with Minkowski embedded distances to distinguish unique charging subgroups from 608 frequent users. The results indicate four user types: convenient (n = 319, 53%), gradual (n = 147, 24%), anxious (n = 104, 17%), and urgent (n = 38, 6%). Quantifying these users’ unique patterns supports the human variability knowledge required for more comprehensive and holistic models of electric vehicle charging station placement. Overall, these findings back up the user-centered design of public charging infrastructure, which helps to lower the long-term adoption barrier for electric vehicles and speed up the switch to a low-carbon, sustainable transportation system.

Source of Publication: Transport Policy

DOI No.: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.07.020

Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier Ltd.

Rights: Elsevier Ltd.


Theme: Charging Infrastructure | Subtheme: Public charging station

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