Thesis & Dissertations

Investigation into Design and Control Aspects of Power Conversion System for Electric Vehicles
Author(s): Bindu R
The outcome of the present research work is the development of a simple power sharing control strategy for the HESS based on battery and UC with a motive to improve the battery cycle life for an urban drive. The proposed control strategies, SRC and FBC show a battery cycle life improvement of 49.5% and 56% respectively which is comparable with the existing research work results.

Modeling and Performance Analysis of Li ion Battery for Electric Vehicle Drive Cycles
Author(s): Lal BB
To achieve accurate prediction of the nonlinear behavior of lithium-ion batteries, parameters of the lithium-ion battery model play a key role for dynamic performance, hence the parameters of the proposed battery model have been estimated. For this work, performance level testing has been carried out.

Artificial Intelligence Based Brake Blended System for Electric Vehicle
Author(s): Narendra PL
The present study was carried out based on a hypothesis which evaluated public health risks associated with the quiet nature of electric vehicles from the driver’s gender and age perspective. In addition, the ANOVA study was carried out to test the statistical significance of risk with respect to age, gender, vehicle usage, driving experience.

A Study of Smart Charging Scheduling Strategy for Electric Vehicles Using Vehicle AD HOC Network
Author(s): Ramkumar D
The study proposes a smart charging scheduling strategy meant for electric vehicles by employing Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANET). The suggested smart change strategy identifies optimum charging stations for EVs so as to confirm minimum waiting, charging, and travel times.

Energy Simulation of Electric Vehicle for a Given Source and Destination to Reduce Driver Anxiety
Author(s): Hariharan C
The objective of this research work is to (a) develop a model for optimizing HVAC energy in an electric vehicle, (b) create a simulation model for predicting the traction energy and HVAC system energy consumption along with the travelling route, and (c) conduct experimental studies to validate the simulation model.

Certain Investigations on the Improvement of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Performance through System Optimization
Author(s): Gowrishankar T
In this research, an analysis on Parallel HEV to reduce fuel usage and improve emission control performance, in addition to optimizing the size of its key components has been performed. The optimization of the parallel HEV is performed using both the analytical and heuristic approach and their pros and cons were discussed.

Fault Tolerant BLDC Motor Drive Configurations for Low Power Electric Vehicle Applications
Author(s): Kumar PH
Research shows that faulty power semi-conductor devices contribute to a significant portion of the total fault conditions in drive configurations. The semi-conductor switch faults are of two types, namely, open-circuit faults (OCF) and short-circuit faults (SCF). This study proposes four designs to achieve fault tolerance and reliability for electric vehicles (EVs) against faults occurring in switching devices.

Power Loss Minimization and Reliability Analysis of a Radial Distribution System with Renewable Distributed Generations and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Author(s): Kumar NMV
The study shows RDG (Renewable Distributed Generation) and CB (Capacitor Banks) integrated system has minimized power loss and enhanced voltage profiles than RDG integration alone. By integrating RDG, the performance of RDS is further enhanced which results in minimizing the amount of Energy Not Supplied (ENS) provided.

Design and Development of a Thermionic Regeneration System for Waste Heat Recovery In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applying Reverse Engineering
Author(s): Kantaprasad K
The thesis explores a platform for design of a thermionic regenerator applying reverse engineering, development of a thermionic regeneration system (TRS), Integration of the TRS with hybrid electric vehicle for improving fuel economy and drive range i.e. vehicle s overall efficiency.

Design and Construction of a Novel Solar Photovoltaic Power Source and Thermal Collector for Electric Vehicle Industry to Minimize Carbon Emission
Author(s): Prasad MR
This thesis brings in a solution for effective integration of the solar photovoltaic and thermal technologies with the EV industry to minimise carbon emission. The integration of the solar PV panels on EV rooftop and thermal collectors in the manufacturing section of the EV industry is considered as the first and second research objectives respectively.