Power Loss Minimization and Reliability Analysis of a Radial Distribution System with Renewable Distributed Generations and Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): Kumar NMV
DG and CB integration into the distribution system has been trending to minimize distribution loss and deliver continuous power supply. The selection of location and size of DG and CBs is essential for achieving the beneficial consequences of DG and CB integration since incorrect placement might degrade distribution system performance. In recent scenarios, the impact of Renewable based DG in distribution system has led to better performance. The Solar-Photo Voltaic (Solar-PV) and Wind Turbines (WTs) are the most commonly used renewable sources in distribution systems. Since these sources are dependent on climatic changes Fuel Cell (FC) is integrated along with them as Hybrid Renewable Distributed Generation (H-RDG) to provide uninterruptible supply. The study shows RDG (Renewable Distributed Generation) and CB (Capacitor Banks) integrated system has minimized power loss and enhanced voltage profiles than RDG integration alone. By integrating RDG, the performance of RDS is further enhanced which results in minimizing the amount of Energy Not Supplied (ENS) provided. The solar-PV and fuel cells are used in the research of renewable generation with different types of loads models. RDG determines the optimum requirement by reducing the ENS target using the HCSGWO algorithm.
Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Energy
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