Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport: An Interactive Computer-Based Approach
Author(s): Karady George G, Holbert Keith E.
Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport presents a revolutionary computer-assisted teaching method designed to accelerate students’ mastery of basic concepts of electric energy conversion and transport through interactive involvement with the material.
Electric Mobility in Public Transport—Driving Towards Cleaner Air
Author(s): K Krzysztof, M Sylwester, S Grzegorz (Eds.)
This book addresses various aspects of electric mobility deployment in public transport. These include transport policy-related issues as well as technical, organizational and technical dimensions of the fleet conversion process.
Green Transportation and New Advances in Vehicle Routing Problems
Author(s): D Houda, J Bassem, SPatrick (Eds.)
This book presents recent work that analyzes general issues of green transportation. The contributed chapters consider environmental objectives in transportation, including topics such as battery swap stations for electric vehicles efficient home healthcare routing, waste collection, and various vehicle routing problems.
Transport and Sustainability contains original research contributions dealing with a wide range of issues associated with transport, travel, mobility and sustainability. All contributions are subject to peer review.
Thermal Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Systems
Author(s): Dinçer I, Hamut H S. , Javani N
This book provides the reader with the necessary information to develop a capable battery TMS that can keep the cells operating within the ideal operating temperature ranges and uniformities, while minimizing the associated energy consumption, cost and environmental impact.
This book is primarily for engineers and materials scientists either researching or developing Li-ion energy storage batteries who want to understand some of the critical aspects of Li-ion battery technology and gain knowledge about the latest engineering designs and latest materials being used in Li-ion batteries
This book explains the basics of the electric car and its battery before going into detail about advanced battery technologies for electric vehicles, such as lithium-ion batteries, solar energy, and more advancements in battery technology that eliminate range anxieties and put the buyers' mind at rest.
Public Transport provides an accessible introductory text to the field of public transport systems, covering bus, coach, rail, metro, domestic air and taxi modes
The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy
Author(s): Brown Lester R, Larsen Janet, Roney J. Matthew, Adams Emily E.
The Great Transition details the accelerating pace of this global energy revolution. As many countries become less enamored with coal and nuclear power, they are embracing an array of clean, renewable energies. Whereas solar energy projects were once small-scale, largely designed for residential use, energy investors are now building utility-scale solar projects.

Transport Geopolitics: Decoding and Understanding Transport as a Source of Conflicts
Author(s): Ampleman Luc
This book provides readers with fresh new theoretical tools to better understand how sociopolitical actors (from governmental institutions to ecological NGOs; from local residents to multinational companies) clash about transport initiatives.