Digital Library on Green Mobility


Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport: An Interactive Computer-Based Approach

Publication Year: 2005

Author(s): Karady George G, Holbert Keith E.



Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport presents a revolutionary computer-assisted teaching method designed to accelerate students’ mastery of basic concepts of electric energy conversion and transport through interactive involvement with the material.

The active-learning approach enables students to tackle and solve complicated problems previously thought too difficult at the introductory level. Computers provide immediate feedback enabling a seamless integration of theory and application. Freed from the need to deliver extensive lectures, instructors can now outline the steps of each analysis, then move about the classroom offering guidance, answering questions as students develop equations and reach conclusions.

ISBN: 9780471681991

Publisher/Organisation: Wiley-IEEE Press

Rights: Wiley-IEEE Press


Theme: Research and Development | Subtheme: Software components/ICT

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