Digital Library on Green Mobility


Study of electric vehicle charging infrastructure planning and rollout for Bengaluru


Author(s): Singh A, Kumar A, Balasubramanyam K, Murugesan N, Suri R, Pillai R K, Sharma S

This study looks at the network of the Bengaluru Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM, Karnataka) to assess the capacity of the distribution grid to accommodate the EV load. It then provides holistic guidelines for interventions and business models for BESCOM to adopt and roll out charging infrastructure within its jurisdiction.

Readiness and capacity needs assessment for electric vehicle adoption in Indian Cities


Author(s): The Energy and Resources Institute

TERI conducted a city-level analysis of four cities – New Delhi, Panaji, Bengaluru, and Guwahati to assess EV planning and deployment action chains. These shortlisted cities were assessed with regard to a set of seven relevant criteria and indicators viz., Institutional/policy readiness, Economic readiness, Infrastructural readiness, Technological readiness, Innovation readiness, Social readiness, and Environmental readiness. In each city, key stakeholders were identified, interviewed, and surveyed on each criterion shaping the EV ecosystem.

Banking on electric vehicles in India


Author(s): Singh R, Ghate A, Kulkarni I, Stranger C, Laemel R

The report indicates that electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and commercial four-wheelers are early segments to prioritise under PSL. Moving forward, the engagement of other ministries and industry stakeholders will be important to ensuring the guidelines designed can effectively enhance EV investment in India. To maximise the impact of the inclusion of EVs, the report also recommends a clear sub-target and penalty mechanism for priority sector lending to renewable energy and EVs.


This report assesses the impact and opportunities for developing countries of the boom in demand for raw materials entering into the production of electric vehicle batteries. In particular, it describes how trade policy could play an important role in helping them capture value from this expansion while managing the risks of overinvestment.


Electric vehicle sales are rising fast in Europe and a growing number of governments have set targets for phasing out new internal combustion vehicle sales. A fundamental input in deciding the feasibility of such policies is how quickly battery electric vehicles can reach price parity with their internal combustion counterparts. Further improvements in lithium-ion batteries will be critical and manufacturing strategy will also play a role. This report shows trajectories of cost developments for the production of battery electric vehicles and internal combustion engine vehicles, and the implications for the adoption of electric vehicles in Europe.

Solar energy–based EV charging: a pilot and techno-economic study


Author(s): Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP)

The report outlines an intelligent bi-directional converter (PCU) that interfaces with SRTPV and battery systems (with DC coupling) to manage the energy flow with EV chargers and the grid. The prioritisation of solar energy for local consumption before feeding it to the grid, deployment of a novel charging algorithm where the EV charging load is made to follow and the solar energy generation profile. Such a method reduces the need for costly battery energy.

Battery Swapping for Electric Two-wheelers in India: Strategy hinterlands


Author(s): Gode P, Bhatt A, Sinha S, Kohli S, Callahan J

This research helps create an agenda for future strategy that supports the battery-swapping business model in India. Because lower battery prices in the future would diminish the cost benefits of acquiring an E2W without the battery, early policy could focus on things less likely to change in the near and medium term, such as the value of time saved on charging and on supporting battery swapping operators (BSOs) in maintaining best practices for operational safety and end-of-life care. That means things like extending future FAME subsidies to two-wheelers sold without pre-fitted batteries and relevant operational and safety standards for BSOs.

Forging ahead: a materials roadmap for the zero-carbon car


Author(s): World Economic Forum, McKinsey & Company

The systems-wide change needed to create circularity in the automotive sector sometimes seem costly and prohibitive. However, as this report demonstrates, significant abatement is possible for the...

Raising ambitions: a new roadmap for the automotive circular economy


Author(s): World Economic Forum, Accenture Strategy

A meaningful transition to the circular economy will require playe...

Battery Ecosystem: A Global Overview, Gap Analysis in Indian context, and Way Forward for Ecosystem Development


Author(s): Mandal A (Deloitte India), Dikshit C (Deloitte India), Singha H (Deloitte India), Parihar A (Deloitte India), Tripathy A (Deloitte India), Mohapatra P (Deloitte India)

The aim to attain energy security, reduce dependency on international markets for oil and the urgent need to prohibit carbon emission from the transportation sector is promoting a rapid shift towards electrified mobility.