Digital Library on Green Mobility


Hitting the EV inflection point: electric vehicle price parity and phasing out combustion vehicle sales in Europe

Publication Year: 2021

Author(s): Bloomberg Finance L.P


Ten European countries, dozens of cities, a majority of urban dwellers and five major carmakers have all announced their ambition to go all out towards emissions-free electric cars in the future. Following the UK’s commitment to phase out combustion engines from 2030, and ahead of the global climate summit in Glasgow, all eyes are now on the EU as it prepares its large package of climate legislation planned for July. From the climate, industrial and consumer perspective, electric cars and vans are the optimal future technology. The question is: can the entire EU go to 100% electric light-duty sales by 2035 to deliver on the European Green Deal? Can a small business as well as an average family, whether living in a city or a village, make the switch? T&E has commissioned BloombergNEF (BNEF) to analyse exactly this. The answer is clear: yes - with the right policy support - Europe can.

Publisher/Organisation: Bloomberg Finance L.P


Theme: Policies and Regulations | Subtheme: International

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