Knowledge Hub
Global baseline assessment of compliance and enforcement programs for vehicle emissions and energy efficiency
Author(s): Yang Z, Muncrief R, Bandivadekar A
Survey-based summary of regulatory agencies’ programs to monitor and enforce compliance with vehicle emission and fuel consumption standards.
Greenhouse gas emissions from global shipping, 2013–2015
Author(s): Olmer N, Comer B, Roy B, Mao X, Rutherford D
Describes trends in global ship activity and emissions for the years 2013 to 2015 and finds that emissions generally increased over this period, with efficiency improvements more than offset by increases in activity.
Financing the transition to soot-free urban bus fleets in 20 megacities
Author(s): Miller J, Minjares R, Dallmann T, Jin L
Addresses the opportunities for facilitating, and the barriers to financing, the transition to soot-free urban bus fleets in 20 megacities.
2017 Global update: light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas and fuel economy standards
Author(s): Yang Z, Bandivadekar A
Examines how the greenhouse gas and fuel economy standards have changed over time, how the auto industry in different regions has reacted, and discusses how the standards may evolve in the future.
Prevalence of heavy fuel oil and black carbon in Arctic shipping, 2015 to 2025
Author(s): Comer B, Olmer N, Mao X, Roy B, Rutherford D
Estimates heavy fuel oil (HFO) use, HFO carriage, the use and carriage of other fuels, BC emissions, and emissions of other air and climate pollutants in the Arctic for the year 2015, with projections to 2020 and 2025.
Developing a roadmap for the adoption of clean fuel and vehicle standards in Southern and Western Africa
Author(s): Naré H, Kamakaté F
Provides a roadmap to support the implementation of comprehensive clean fuel and vehicle policies in Southern and Western Africa.
Improved heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency in India: benefits, costs and environmental impacts
Author(s): Nihan K, Gopal AR, Sharpe B, Delgado O, Bandivadekar A, Garg M
Examines the benefits and costs of fuel-saving technologies for new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) in India over the next 10 years and, explores how various scenarios for the deployment of vehicles with these technologies will impact petroleum consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions over the next three decades.
Annual statistical portrait of technologies, fuel consumption, and GHG and pollutant emissions in Europe’s passenger car, light-commercial, and heavy-duty fleets.
Cost assessment of near- and mid-term technologies to improve new aircraft fuel efficiency
Author(s): Kharina A, Rutherford D, Zeinali M
Finds that fuel consumption of new aircraft designs could be cut by 25% in 2024 and 40% in 2034 using cost-effective emerging technologies—double the rate of improvement seen in designs coming from manufacturers now in response to market forces alone.
This study is an extension of ICCT’s work benchmarking U.S. airline fuel efficiency on domestic operations since 2010.