Digital Library on Green Mobility

Research Papers/Articles


In 2015 a survey among very electro mobility experienced people was conducted in Germany. This survey is part of the government founded “monitoring and impact research for the German showcase program for electro mobility”.

Research Papers/Articles
Industry Strategies for the Promotion of E-Mobility Under Alternative Policy and Economic Scenarios


Author(s): Harrison G, Gomez Vilchez JJ, Thiel C

Technology Transition Market Agent Model (PTTMAM), a system dynamics model based around the interactions of conceptual market agent groups in the EU. The authors assess strategies employed by automobile manufacturers towards the development and market penetration of electric vehicles.

Research Papers/Articles
V2G-An Economic Gamechanger in E-Mobility?


Author(s): Høj JCML, Juhl LT, Lindegaard SB

The Vehicle-2-grid (V2G) technology enabling bidirectional charging between electric vehicles and the energy grid system for frequency regulation and load balancing has the potential of significantly improving the financial viability of electric mobility.

Research Papers/Articles
Adaptive Speed Limit for Last Mile Vehicles on Public Walkways


Author(s): Kastenbauer L, Konig R, Lay J, Wizemann L, Schmiel F, Zirn O

Foldable ultralight electric vehicles (E-ULV) are a promising key component for future sustainable traffic chains for urban regions with mountainous topography. This paper presents electric drive a...


Women in urban areas have specific requirements for their daily mobility. Car sharing services are mostly used by men as shown in studies from different countries. This study aims for understanding...

Research Papers/Articles
Integrated Infrastructure for Electro Mobility Powered by the Arrowhead Framework


Author(s): Peceli B, Singler G, Theisz Z, Hegedus C, Szepessy Z, Varga P

Electro Mobility is a rapidly growing and evolving application domain of the Internet of Things, with a huge market potential in various areas. It incorporates many stakeholders - from manufacturers to the players of the energy market - with all sorts of physical and virtual resources.

Research Papers/Articles
Global Opportunities for Small/Medium Enterprises in Emobility (GO4SEM)


Author(s): Bierau F, Alonso A, Reeves C, Deix S, Muller B, Coosemans T, Meyer G, van Mierlo J

In recent years Europe has successfully extended its competencies in key enabling technologies for electric mobility, particularly in the field of field of information and communication technologies, components and systems.


Efforts at urban e-mobility transition in China are of crucial global significance. Exploring these developments, however, demands significant reframing of dominant theories of socio-technical system transition to accommodate the strikingly different socio-political context of China to that of the global North where these theories have been developed.

Research Papers/Articles
Impact of Penetration of Electric Vehicles on Indian Power Grid


Author(s): Mokariya KL, Shah VA, Lokhande MM

Globally the transportation systems are almost completely oil dependent and they are a significant source of green house gases and other emissions.


Using the motto "efficient future mobility", are supporting and shaping the path towards electric mobility with close customer collaboration. These activities are primarily focused on consistently optimizing the internal combustion drivetrain, on hybrid modules and on components and modules for E-Mobility.