Digital Library on Green Mobility


In Phase-II Fame India Scheme 2636 EV charging stations sanctioned

  • January 30, 2020

Source: Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Government of India

The Department of Heavy Industries has sanctioned 2636 charging stations in 62 cities across 24 States/UTs under FAME India (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India) scheme phase II. As many as 317 EV charging stations have been allotted in Maharashtra, 266 in Andhra Pradesh, 256 in Tamil Nadu, 228 in Gujarat, 205 in Rajasthan, 207 in Uttar Pradesh, 172 in Karnataka, 159 in Madhya Pradesh, 141 in West Bengal, 138 in Telangana, 131 in Kerala, 72 in Delhi, 70 in Chandigarh, 50 in Haryana, 40 in Meghalaya, 37 in Bihar, 29 in Sikkim, 25 each in Jammu & Kashmir and Chhattisgarh, 20 in Assam, 18 in Odisha and 10 each in Uttarakhand, Puducherry and Himachal Pradesh.

EESL receives India’s first ZS EV by MG Motor

  • January 27, 2020

Source: Energy Efficiency Services Limited

Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) has placed the order for 5 MG ZS EVs that will be used by government officials to further the cause of EVs as part of its National E-Mobility Programme. This procurement by EESL is driven by the objective of facilitating faster adoption of disruptive solutions while balancing economic development and environmental sustainability. With this specific initiative, EESL seeks to create a market for electric vehicles, through its unique business model of aggregation of demand and bulk procurement. EESL is seeking to leverage the immense potential of replacement of existing vehicles in the government departments for initial demand aggregation.