Digital Library on Green Mobility


Transport India Expo

  • Event Cordinator : Transport India
  • Venue : New Delhi, India
  • Event date : March 23, 2022 - March 25, 2022

Transport India Expo 2022 is India's largest trade expo and exhibition, showcasing smart technology and solutions in electric mobility, batteries and storage systems, electric vehicle charging and intelligent transport. Transport India Expo 2022 will be held from 23-25 March 2022 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India. The automotive sector, with a focus on electric vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles, self driving and connected cars, has paved the way for advanced and intelligent transport systems in the smart cities across the globe.

Seventh Smart Cities India Expo: Smart Transport for a Sustainable Future

  • Event Cordinator : Transport India Expo
  • Venue : Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India
  • Event date : March 23, 2022 - March 25, 2022

The expo delivers the largest showcase of industry suppliers and offers a range networking and interactive sessions so you're fuelled with knowledge to create the NEXTGEN transport. Reaching a wide audience, the event aims to shape the future strategies across business-critical topics including connectivity, autonomous vehicles, sustainability, supply chain and customer-first strategies including retail and marketing.


  • Event Cordinator : EMobility
  • Venue : Pune, Maharashtra - India
  • Event date : March 11, 2022

The event is planned to explore the developments in the electric mobility sector within the state and will be driven by the regional policies with an aim to support the uptake in the state. This will also cover the latest technology developments in electric vehicles & their components, charging & their infrastructure needs, and cutting-edge innovations in the EV battery & its management. The event will witness the participation of key leaders and decision-makers in the emobility space from the state sharing their thoughts and vision for the overall growth of the sector in the state. ..

Report Launch - A Critical Review: Smart Charging Strategies and Technologies for Electric Vehicles

  • Event Cordinator : GIZ India
  • Venue : Online
  • Event date : November 30, 2021

The event will focus on importance of smart charging in India wherein the experts will discuss on critical aspects related to EV charging such as impact of EVs into the power system and power grid: challenges and opportunities, and the relevance of smart charging to solve such challenges and bring benefits at large.

Join the event on 30 November 2021 from 15:30 to 17:30 hrs IST | 11:00 to 13:00 hrs CET

Click here to join the event

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If you need any further information in this regard, please feel free to reach out to us on or

 Role of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Collaboration to Advance Sustainable Mobility Research|

  • Event Cordinator : TERI-GIZ
  • Venue : Online
  • Event date : October 28, 2021

As part of the NDC - Transport Initiative for Asia project being implemented in India by GIZ and other partner organizations in collaboration with NITI Aayog, Government of India, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and GIZ are organising a webinar titled "Role of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Collaboration to Advance Sustainable Mobility Research" on October 28, 2021 from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (IST). By bringing together knowledge experts, the webinar aims to discuss the role of digital libraries and knowledge management in promoting sustainable transportation.

Online Course - EV Technology & Public Charging Station

  • Event Cordinator : Manoj Kumar M.K, Senior Technical Officer
  • Venue : Online
  • Event date : October 27, 2021 - October 29, 2021

This course initiates candidates into the emerging area of Electric Vehicles and helps learn the Basics of Battery driven Electric Vehicle and its Dynamics, Motors, Power Electronics, Batteries, Charging etc. The program consists of instructor led live lecture sessions and demonstrations.

Smart Mobility Expo 2021

  • Event Cordinator : Virtual Info Systems Pvt Ltd
  • Venue : Pragati Maidan New Delhi, India
  • Event date : October 26, 2021 - October 28, 2021

Smart Mobility Expo 2021 is one of the leading trade expo and exhibition, showcasing traffic / transport related technologies, which is going to be held from 26-28 Oct 2021 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India. With the emergence of the new mobility eco system, Smart Mobility Expo held along with Trafficinfratech Expo and Parking Infratech Expo will focus on Future Mobility providing a platform for Electric Vehicles, Connected and Autonomous vehicles, Highspeed travel modes, Sustainable rapid transport, Common payment modes and emerging technologies including. IoT, data flow and cloud services. The Indian Government is focusing to expand the logistics sector with huge investments in Industrial corridors and technology. Smart Mobility expo will showcase technology for seamless, fast and pollution free travel experience.

How to decarbonise international shipping and aviation

  • Event Cordinator : Transport & Environment
  • Venue : Online
  • Event date : October 13, 2021

Shipping and aviation together represent around 6% of the world’s emissions, but the vast majority of these emissions go unregulated, in spite of the world’s pledge to address the urgent threat of climate change.

The Paris Agreement stipulated that Parties should make “economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets”, yet so far only the EU has accounted for aviation emissions in its climate plan - NDC in Paris Agreement jargon - and no state has included international shipping.

T&E has commissioned legal analysis of the Paris Agreement to analyse this omission, which will be discussed in the event. 

ITS World Congress 2021

  • Event Cordinator : ERTICO
  • Venue : Hamburg, Germany
  • Event date : October 11, 2021 - October 15, 2021

ERTICO – ITS Europe is a public-private partnership for promoting, developing and providing intelligent traffic systems (ITS) for the European market. The organisation's aim is to save lives, protect the environment and offer affordable mobility for everyone. 

Low Carbon Vehicle Event

  • Event Cordinator : Cenex
  • Venue : Millbrook, Bedford, U
  • Event date : September 22, 2021 - September 23, 2021

Low Carbon Vehicle Event is the UK's premier low carbon vehicle event. This event showcases products like Technology exhibition, Facilitated networking with the low carbon community, Ride & drive of the latest research & development and commercially available vehicles etc.