Digital Library on Green Mobility


Vision 2050: Strategies to Align Global Road Transport With Well Below 2°C

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Sen A, Miller J, Alvarez G, Rodrigues P F


This work builds on the modeling in Sen and Miller (2023), and the ICCT teamed with several key partners to leverage their expertise and explore the potential of a variety of additional strategies to decarbonize global road transport. The strategies assessed in this analysis are: further accelerating the transition of new vehicle sales to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs); accelerating the transition of used vehicle imports to ZEVs; further deployment of internal combustion engine (ICE) efficiency technology for new light-duty vehicles; further deployment of ICE efficiency technology for new heavy-duty vehicles; passenger vehicle avoid-and-shift measures in urban areas; freight vehicle avoid-and-shift measures and operational efficiency improvements; and fleet renewal strategies to shift vehicle activity from older ICE vehicles to new vehicles.

Publisher/Organisation: International Council on Clean Transportation


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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