Digital Library on Green Mobility


Transportation in a Net Zero World: Transitioning Towards Low Carbon Public Transport

Publication Year: 2022

Author(s): Kathryn G. Logan, Astley Hastings, John D. Nelson


This book discusses the importance of transitioning from conventionally fuelled, electric and hydrogen personal vehicles towards low carbon electric and hydrogen public transport. It presents international comparisons and case studies of countries who have successfully and unsuccessfully implemented policies to reduce their emissions from land-based transport. It discusses and provides policy recommendations to meet a net zero transport world by exploring potential issues, including infrastructure changes and electricity generation mix which may prevent targets being met successfully. The book also demonstrates how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced individual transport choices and what will need to be done to ensure travel remains sustainable going forward.

ISBN: 1865-3529

Publisher/Organisation: Springer International Publishing


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Public

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