Digital Library on Green Mobility


Webinar | Battery Monitoring – Importance and Solutions for Public Transport Companies

Publication Year: 2020

Author(s): World Resources Institute (WRI)


Enormous amount of efforts have been put into bringing electric buses in India. Now as a result of which there are positive changes and impacts of these efforts show that there are many electric buses running in different Indian cities and states with their own special business model, battery and technology characteristics, operators, etc. Now that they are on the roads, it is time to think ahead and see how one can make the most out of them by being able to monitor and extract their best performance abilities. One of the ways to do this by battery management, and battery monitoring. As they say, that batteries are the heart of the electric vehicles, it is very important to take care of them in order for its smooth functioning . In this video on  "Battery Monitoring",  Mr Lutz Morawietz, Head of Battery Diagnostics, Volytica diagnostics GmbH will share the experiences and learnings and also put an insight on how it can be applied in the respective countries.

Country: India

Publisher/Organisation: World Resources Institute (WRI)

Rights: World Resources Institute (WRI)


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Public

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