Privileging Electric Vehicles as an Element of Promoting Sustainable Urban Mobility—Effects on the Local Transport System in a Large Metropolis in Poland
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): Borowska‐stefańska M, Kowalski M, Kurzyk P, Mikušová M, Wiśniewski S
The main purpose of this article was to determine the impact on the equilibrium of the local transport system from privileging EVs by permitting them to use bus lanes. The study used two sets of data: information on infrastructure and traffic management; and the recorded road network loads and traffic volumes generated by a given shopping centre—the E. Leclerc shopping centre (a vital traffic generator within the city of Łódź, Poland). These sets were then used to develop a microsimulation traffic model for the shopping centre and the associated effects on the localised transport system. The model was constructed using the PTV Vissim software tool. An initial simulation was conducted that formed a basis for subsequent scenarios (17 simulations were performed). Based on the conducted analyses, it was established that privileging the still rather uncommon battery electric vehicles (BEVs) engendered a marginal deterioration of traffic conditions for the researched part of the transport system. At the same time, allowing BEVs to use bus lanes within the chosen research area had no negative impact on bus journey times. The results of these studies are essential for introducing recommendations for transport policies and documents related to sustainable development, not only at the local but also at the global level.
Source of Publication: Energies
Vol/Issue: 14, 3838: 1-24p.
DOI No.: 10.3390/en14133838
Country: Poland
Publisher/Organisation: MDPI
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)
Theme: Research and Development | Subtheme: Software components/ICT
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