Business Model Blueprints for the Shared Mobility Hub Network
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): Coenegrachts E, Beckers J, Vanelslander T, Verhetsel A
Shared (electric) mobility is still facing challenges in reaching its potential as a sustainable mobility solution. Low physical and digital integration with public transport, a lack of charging infrastructure, regulatory barriers, and public nuisance hinder the uptake and organization of shared mobility services. This study examines the case of the shared mobility hub, a location where shared mobility is concentrated, as a solution to overcome these challenges. A three-staged approach was adopted to identify a generic model that successfully integrates shared mobility hubs within the urban environment. The first step in the research approach was to select and adapt a business model design framework that supports the process of business modelling. The second stage is the actual data collection and, the third stage is the data analysis or the development of business model blueprints. Focus groups, consisting of public and private stakeholders, collaboratively designed five business model (BM) blueprints, reaching a consensus about the value creation, delivery, and capture mechanisms of the network. The blueprints, defined as first-/last-mile, clustered, point-of-interest (POI), hybrid, and closed mobility hub networks, provide alternative solutions to integrate sustainable transportation modes into a coherent network, enabling multi-and intermodal travel behaviour, and supporting interoperability, sustainable land use, and ensured access to shared (electric) travel modes. However, which kind of network the local key stakeholders need to commit to depends on the local policy goals and regulatory context.
Source of Publication: Sustainability
Vol/Issue: 13, 6939: 1-24p.
DOI No.: 10.3390/su13126939
Country: Belgium
Publisher/Organisation: MDPI
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)
Theme: Business Models | Subtheme: Swapping infrastructure
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