Digital Library on Green Mobility


Driving the Electric Vehicle Agenda in Nigeria: The Challenges, Prospects and Opportunities

Publication Year: 2024

Author(s): Farinloye T, Oluwatobi O, Ugboma O, Dickson O F, Uzondu C, Mogaji E


In Nigeria, a developing country and prominent oil producer, the transition towards electric vehicle adoption is unfolding amidst unique challenges. This study addresses crucial research gaps concerning Electric vehicle adoption in developing nations, with Nigeria as a focal point. This study explores the transition towards electric vehicles in Nigeria, a developing country and oil producer. It reveals challenges such as scarcity of charging infrastructure, heavy reliance on fossil fuels, affordability issues, and unequal energy access. However, it also highlights potential cost savings through government support, adaptable manufacturers, and renewable energy use. The study proposes awareness campaigns, expanding charging infrastructure, government-driven policies, and localized technology for last-mile transport. This research provides valuable insights into electric vehicle adoption in developing countries and offers theoretical and practical implications for sustainable transportation solutions.

Source of Publication: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Vol/Issue: 130: 104182

DOI No.: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104182

Country: Nigeria

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier

Rights: The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd


Theme: Vehicle Technology | Subtheme: Electric vehicles

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