Business Models to Exploit Possibilities of E-Mobility: An Electricity Distribution System Operator Perspective
Publication Year: 2019
Author(s): Vokony I, Hartmann B, Kiss J, Sőrés P, Farkas C
E-mobility is a fast-developing field of electrical industry both at national and international levels. Besides their environmental, social and economic benefits, electric cars offer further significant possibilities for distribution system operators (DSOs). This research aimed to suggest profitable business models through the inspection of international practices, including technical solutions, the properties of the possible customer group and the methods of customer compensation. Present paper enlists solutions offering more than traditional optimization processes based on solely one objective function. The five business solutions proposed here aim at matching electric cars with the present and future operation of DSOs. Two methods (Vehicle2Home and Night Rider) target individual customers, while the other three proposals (E-pump, plug&WORK, ENTERPRISeFLEET) are for fleets. A common framework is used to describe these methods here, and both potential customers and the advantages for DSOs are given. This study focused on defining potential customer groups based on conclusions drawn from international practices, and on the estimation of regulatory potential for each group.
Source of Publication: Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering
Vol/Issue: 48(1):1-10p.
DOI No.: DOI: 10.3311/PPtr.13471
Country: Hungary
Publisher/Organisation: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution
Theme: Business Models | Subtheme: Procurement
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