Business Model Gaming: A Game-Based Methodology for E-Mobility Business Model Innovation
Publication Year: 2017
Author(s): Laurischkat K, Viertelhausen A
This paper presents a new game-based methodology that supports the systematic development of innovative business models in the field electric mobility. It is referred to as Business Model Gaming (BMG), as it takes advantage of gaming effects and introduces an innovation process using adapted and harmonized methods specific for electric mobility. BMG consists of different phases which allow the users to participate in an e-mobility specific game and work on an appropriate innovation process, using harmonized methods to develop new business models.. A game- based and risk free environment provides a straightforward access to these methods and creates a common knowledge base for all game participants. By means of the game the flow effect increases the motivation, performance and creativity of all participants in order to systematically support the critical innovation step of idea generation. Finally, the practical implementation of the methodology confirms its operational capabilities. The methodology also provides further options for the simulation of the newly designed business models under environmental conditions
Source of Publication: Procedia CIRP
Vol/Issue: 64:115-120p.
DOI No.: DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.051
Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier B.V.
Rights: CC BY-NC-ND license (
Theme: Business Models | Subtheme: Procurement
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