Enabling Quality Transit, Impacting Lives
Mobility And Accessibility Program 2020
Publication Year: 2020
Author(s): World Resources Institute (WRI)
More than ever before, cities and their surroundings are centers of opportunity and innovation. As humanity urbanizes in record numbers, challenges of enhancing access, mitigating congestion, elevating safety, and improving air quality become essential needs to provide access to opportunities. For the past 10 years, Quality solutions for urban mobility issues often begin with on-the-ground fixes. In Brazil, WRI Ross Center and FedEx give those ideas a boost through a country-wide network that brings transportation professionals together to share ideas and establish standards for best practices. With an emphasis on metrics, the group is advancing the quality of transit systems that serve more than 20 million people per day across the country. WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities and FedEx have been working to help cities overcome these challenges. By building on mutual expertise, the Mobility and Accessibility Program, sponsored by FedEx, delivers results that enhance the overall quality of transport systems. This focus on quality means faster journeys, more reliable systems, fewer emissions and safer practices. This all adds up to a program which has directly impacted over 10 million people to date, with even more on the horizon.
Publisher/Organisation: World Resources Institute (WRI)
Rights: World Resources Institute (WRI)
Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Shared mobility
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