Investigations on Energy Management System and Power Quality of Microgrid Integrated with Plug In Electric Vehicles Under Multiple Uncertainties
Publication Year: 2023
Author(s): Kumar RS
Renewable energy sources provide a reduction in the operating cost of the grid however, their output is variable and volatile in nature. PEVs with their ability to operate in both grid-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-grid mode provide an additional benefit of flexible distributed storage, facilitating the integration of RES, but their uncoordinated charging/discharging can have an adverse effect on the grid, such as transformer overloading, excessive loading on line, voltage deviations, etc. The energy management system can effectively coordinate the energy sharing/trading among all available energy resources and supply the loads economically in all conditions for the reliable, secure, and efficient power system operation. This thesis aims at different energy management approaches to integrate renewable energy resources and plug-in electric vehicles in a microgrid environment. To achieve optimal performance of microgrid in terms of technical and economic aspects the first step is the modelling of multiple uncertainties present in the system due to intermittent renewable energy resources, varying load demand, varying electricity price and the uncertain behaviour of plug-in electric vehicles owners. The research work focusses on the accurate and effective modelling of different uncertainties present in the microgrid.
Rights: Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Theme: Research and Development | Subtheme: Physical components/Hardware
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