Digital Library on Green Mobility


Service-Quality based Pricing Approach for Charging Electric Vehicles in Smart Energy Communities

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Wang Y, Xiang Y, Hu H, Lao K W, Tong J, Jiang Y


Guiding electric vehicles (EVs) in smart energy communities to participate in demand response can significantly benefit users and the load aggregator. However, when the user's travel plans are uncertain, the EV may end up charging before the planned time, leaving the user with an insufficient power supply. This can occur because the control program chooses to charge the EV during periods of low electricity prices to reduce user costs. This issue is addressed by proposing a charging pricing strategy based on service-quality. The strategy consists of three parts: designing charging packages with different service qualities, building a subscription model for charging packages, and establishing a pricing model representing the master-slave game between the load aggregator and the user. The model is linearized by the KKT condition. The results show that the proposed strategy helps users cope with travel plan uncertainty, reducing charging costs for users by 16.39% and increasing revenue for the load aggregator by 14.8%.

Source of Publication: Journal of Cleaner Production

Vol/Issue: 420: 138416

DOI No.: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138416

Country: China

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier

Rights: Elsevier Ltd.


Theme: Vehicle Technology | Subtheme: Electric vehicles

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