Digital Library on Green Mobility


The Impact of Passenger Electric Vehicles on Carbon Reduction and Environmental Impact Under the 2050 Net Zero Policy in Taiwan

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Shen Y S , Huang G T, Chang-Chien C L, Huang L H, Kuo C H, Hu A H


Taiwan initiated the "Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions" in 2022 to achieve its 2050 net-zero emission goal. However, the emission reduction effect of electric vehicles has not been fully studied. This study aims to conduct a life cycle assessment (LCA) on environmental performance by replacing petrol vehicles with electric vehicles using the well-to-wheel method. The study establishes a feedback mechanism to correlate the DALY results with population and energy demand. Results show that the reduction in environmental impact from electric vehicles helps mitigate population decline. The emission-reducing potential and environmental impact of electric vehicles by 2050 are estimated to be between 7.826 × 105 and 1.069 × 106 tCO2e, with an emission-reducing potential of 1.076 × 106 to 1.804 × 106 tCO2e.

Source of Publication: Energy Policy

Vol/Issue: 183: 113838

DOI No.: 10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113838

Country: Taiwan

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier

Rights: Elsevier Ltd.


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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