Digital Library on Green Mobility


Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2023: Assessing Critical Energy Technologies for Global Clean Energy Transitions

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): International Energy Agency


Of the over 50 components tracked, in the 2023 edition 3 are evaluated as fully “On track” with the Net Zero by 2050 Scenario trajectory – solar PV, electric vehicles and lighting. Solar PV was upgraded in this edition, as the annual growth in generation in 2022 of 26% is now aligned with the average compound annual growth rate needed from now to 2030 in the Net Zero Scenario. Progress on clean energy technology deployment has been very rapid in 2022, even if many components are not yet fully on track at the global level. The momentum towards the clean energy economy is clearly accelerating. The highlights in 2022 on Electric vehicle showed sales grew by 55%, reaching a record high of more than 10 million. And for the first time ever, announced manufacturing capacity for electric vehicle batteries is sufficient to fulfil expected demand requirements in 2030 in the NZE Scenario. 

Publisher/Organisation: International Energy Agency


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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