Digital Library on Green Mobility


Advanced chemistry cell battery reuse and recycling market in India

Publication Year: 2022

Author(s): Gattu A, Agrawal A, Chatterjee A, Mittal D, Khan M S, Bagdia R, Singh R, Khan S M, Singh V


This report undertakes analysis of the overall battery market in India, deep-diving into the relevant policies and regulations; current and estimated segment-wise market sizing; support interventions at central and state level; and the recycling potential of current and evolving battery technologies. Further, it discusses in detail the battery storage supply chain and reviews different battery storage and recycling technologies. It also identifies and elaborates key initiatives that may ease the battery manufacturing and recycling industry. The report culminates in recommendations for the government and various stakeholders to address the challenges pertaining to the battery recycling market in India in terms of the current policy and regulations, incentives and others. A coherent regulatory framework incentivising all stakeholders to participate in the recycling process will help in the development of a battery recycling ecosystem in the country and is key to move towards a more sustainable society.

Country: India

Publisher/Organisation: NITI Aayog, Green Growth Equity Fund Technical Cooperation Facility

Rights: NITI Aayog, Green Growth Equity Fund Technical Cooperation Facility


Theme: Battery Technology | Subtheme: Recycling batteries

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