Training Materials

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: An Overview of Technical Standards to Support Lao PDR Electric Vehicle Market Development
Author(s): Bopp K, Bennett J, Lee N
This training module provides an overview of the Technical Standards— codes (a set of rules recommended for others to follow) and standards (detailed documents that elaborate how to meet a specific code) design, and specific international standards including SAE J1772 and IEC 61851/62196.

Effectiveness of Electric Vehicle Policies and Implications for Pakistan
Author(s): Hodge C, O'Neill B, Coney K
This report explores evidence from several key countries regarding the impacts to electric vehicle (EV) market penetration from financial incentives, road access policies, EV mandates, fuel taxes, discounted electricity rates, charging infrastructure, and government investment in the domestic automotive industry.

Technical Evaluation of Battery Electric Bus Potential in Mexico City and Leon, Mexico
Author(s): Coney K, Cory K, Aznar A
The toolkit explore the technical feasibility of transit bus electrification in CDMX (i.e., Mexico City) and León, Mexico.

The Value of Motorcycle Electrification in Mexico City
Author(s): Beshilas L, Aznar A
The study showed how commercial motorcycles present an opportunity for substantial emissions reductions as well as mobility access and equity benefits in Mexico City.

Foundations of an Electric Mobility Strategy for the City of Mexicali
Author(s): Johnson C, Nanayakkara S, Cappellucci J, Moniot M
This report seeks to support Mexicali in achieving these goals and overcoming challenges by describing technical pathways to transportation electrification and providing targeted analysis to inform Mexicali’s electromobility strategy.

Electric Vehicle Deployment Fundamentals for Southeast Asia: Module 1, Unit 1 — The Value of Data in Understanding the Status & Mapping a Path for EV Transition
Author(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
The Module 1, Unit 1 — The Value of Data in Understanding the Status & Mapping a Path for EV Transition covers basic vehicle data types, parameters, and methodologies; the importance of basic travel data and other household data needs to get a bigger picture; and how to coordinate data acquisition across transport and energy. This lecture is presented by Mr Caley Johnson of NREL.

Electric Vehicle Deployment Fundamentals for Southeast Asia: Module 1, Unit 2 — Fleet Transition using Data Analytics
Author(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
The Module 1, Unit 2 — Fleet Transition using Data Analytics covers protocols for prioritizing a fleet and designing a pilot to study to evaluate the project and understanding the varying needs of each fleet. This lecture is presented by Mr Andrew Kotz of NREL.

Electric Vehicle Deployment Fundamentals for Southeast Asia: Module 3, Unit 1 — Electric Vehicles and Tariff Design
Author(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
This Module 3, Unit 1 — Electric Vehicles and Tariff Design covers key design principles for tariffs and objectives and considerations for home charging tariffs vs. public charging tariffs, as well as other fundamentals of tariff design. This lecture is presented by Mr David Hurlbut of NREL.

Electric Vehicle Deployment Fundamentals for Southeast Asia: Module 2, Unit 1 — Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Standards and Communication Protocols
Author(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
This Module 2, Unit 1 — Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Standards and Communication Protocols this lecture covers the basic structure of charging standards; common codes; communications (across different charging networks) and interoperability protocols for seamless connectivity; and synergies with the grid as well as other EV ecosystem stakeholders (e.g. buildings, EVSE manufacturers, urban planners). This lecture is presented by Mr Jesse Bennett of NREL.

Electric Vehicle Deployment Fundamentals for Southeast Asia: Module 3, Unit 2 — Planning for Implications on the Grid
Author(s): National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
The Module 3, Unit 2 — Planning for Implications on the Grid covers grid planning and management; challenges and opportunities presented by EV loads on the electric grid; time and capital costs incurred by grid infrastructure upgrades; and long-term planning and customer support. This lecture is presented by Mr Scott Belding of NREL.